
Totday’s goal: prepare image data for the analyses on day 3 of this week.


1 Introduction

In the tutorials of the next days, you will train and apply a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) yourself to distinguish bush and trees from grass and bare soil within images. For this you will use the famous Keras package. You will train the CNN and optimize its performance on a separate validation set. Afterwards you will apply the CNN on a new image to see the output of the CNN in practice. Take note that you can tweak a lot to improve its performance: the annotation of your data, the structure of your network and the chosen hyperparameters. This means that you will probably won’t get everything right the first time, but also that there is a lot of room for improvement. Let’s see if you are able to beat our performance!

Image data is by definition not tidy data, because the colour values of each pixel are not independent of the values in the neighbouring pixels. Only by evaluating the pixels combined on a larger scale, does an object or feature in an image become apparent. Therefore, the preprocessing and wrangling of image data looks differently than for tabular data. This is what you will practice today. The day after tomorrow you will then use your prepared data to train and evaluate a CNN. This practical is aimed at learning the imager package.

If you try to install the imager package on an Apple computer, and load it after installing it, it may be that you are getting an error. This most likely then is resulting from an older version of the Xquartz software that is already installed on your pc than the imager packages assumes. This error can be solved by updating the Xquartz software, which you can download and install from here.

Exercise 14.1a

Start by downloading the images (IMG_4012.JPG,IMG_4013.JPG,IMG_4014.JPG) from Brightspace > Image analyses > Data > Images 1, save them to a folder named images1 inside data / raw. To load and mutate the images we need the tidyverse, imager and abind packages, so install and load these packages. Furthermore, make sure to set your working directory correctly again.

Load the images into R as cimg objects (i.e., an imager object) using the function load.image, and assign the result to an object called im. Then, plot the images using the base R plot function (this might take a while to execute).

You can use the load.dir() function from the imager package to load all images in a directory at once, which will then return a list of cimg objects.

To load the images:

# Load libraries

# Load all images in a directory
im <- load.dir("data/raw/images1")

To plot the images:

# Plot the images

Exercise 14.1b
Inspect the structure of your newly loaded objects using the str function. What type of R object is cimg primarily?

# explore the im object
## List of 3
##  $ IMG_4012.JPG: 'cimg' num [1:5184, 1:3456, 1, 1:3] 0.557 0.545 0.533 0.561 0.569 ...
##  $ IMG_4013.JPG: 'cimg' num [1:5184, 1:3456, 1, 1:3] 0.541 0.545 0.549 0.553 0.557 ...
##  $ IMG_4014.JPG: 'cimg' num [1:5184, 1:3456, 1, 1:3] 0.694 0.682 0.69 0.694 0.675 ...
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "imlist" "list"

You can see that the cimg objects are under the hood actually arrays. The first two dimensions of the array are the x and y coordinates of the pixels (5184x3456px in the case of our images), the third dimension is useful for videos (with multiple frames) and thus always 1 for pictures, the fourth dimension are the colour channels of our images (very often three: Red, Green and Blue). Note that image data is by definition not tidy, as it is a raster of cells each containing multiple values!

2 Preprocess

As you can see in the plots there are some aircraft parts in view at the top and bottom part of the images.

In some of the exercises below, it is handy to iterate some piece of R code using a for-loop. A loop is a sequence of instructions that is repeated a specified number of times, or until a certain condition is been reached. For instance, the following code uses a for-loop to iterate some code 10 times, with iterator object i getting the value 1, 2, …, 10 during these iterations. The R code in this example is very simple: it solely prints the value of the iterator i to the console.

for(i in 1:10) {
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 3
## [1] 4
## [1] 5
## [1] 6
## [1] 7
## [1] 8
## [1] 9
## [1] 10

For more information, see Appendix E - Indexing and control structures.

Exercise 14.2a
Cut these parts off to reduce some of the noise in the image. For this you can use the imsub function from imager. Check its help page to learn how to define the coordinate range of the image. Use the same range for every image to make sure that every image still has the same pixel dimensions. Plot your images again afterwards to check if you got the range right. If you look very closely you might also spot some elephants and giraffes. However, being endangered species and all, you can just leave them roaming around in the images…

You can use a for-loop to apply the same transformation on all three images in the list (see Appendix E).

For example, to crop the image to the part between 200 and 500 pixels from the top you can conveniently use the %inr% operator, i.e.,: imsub(yourimage, y %inr% c(200,500)).

for(i in seq_along(im)) {
  im[[i]] <- imsub(im[[i]], y %inr% c(350,2800))
  plot(im[[i]], axes = FALSE)

There are several approaches to distinguish trees from grass in aerial images:

  1. we could build an object detection algorithm to detect all the trees in the images directly via moving windows and bounding box regression
  2. we could apply image segmentation to find the boundaries between different vegetation types in the images
  3. we could divide the images into regular grids and classify each grid cell to be either trees or grass.

In this practical we will apply the third option.

To preprocess our data further to make it ready for analyses, we now need to divide the images into a regular where each image is split into multiple tiles.

Exercise 14.2b

In this exercise you are going to divide the images inside the imlist object into tiles of 50x50 pixels using the imsplit function and prepare for further analyses. Do this via the following steps:

  1. Split the images into 50-pixel bands along the x-axis (thus resulting in vertical bands);
  2. Split each vertical band into 50-pixel high tiles (thus resulting in tiles being 50x50 pixels);
  3. Remove the last bands across rows and columns, as most probably you cannot exactly fit an integer number of tiles into your images, so the tiles at the edges that are smaller than 50x50 pixels need to be removed;
  4. Make sure to change the class of both the first and second level of the original imlist object to a list.

If object im is an object of class list or imlist, then the following code can be used to create a for-loop that iterates over all images in the list:

for(i in seq_along(im)) {
  # commands to be executed
  im[[i]] # here e.g. retrieving the image from the list at position i

If you want to split an image, e.g. im[[i]], into bands of 250 pixels wide, along the x-axis, you could use:

im[[i]] <- imsplit(im[[i]], axis = 'x', nb = -250)

To remove the last element from a list, you could use:

im[[i]] <- im[[i]][-length(im[[i]])]

Also, if element im[[i]] is a list itself, you could retrieve (or set) the element at position j using im[[i]][[j]].
To specify the class of an object, your could use the class function. For example, to change the class of element i of an object im into a ‘list’, you could use:

class(im[[i]]) <- 'list'

# A first (outer) for-loop that iterates over the images
for(i in seq_along(im)) {
  # Split into 50-pixel bands along x-axis
  im[[i]] <- imsplit(im[[i]], axis = 'x', nb = -50)
  # Remove last band as it most probably will be 50 pixels wide
  im[[i]] <- im[[i]][-length(im[[i]])]
  # A second (inner) for-loop that iterates over the image bands created above
  for(j in seq_along(im[[i]])) {
    # split each band vertically in 50-pixel tiles
    im[[i]][[j]] <- imsplit(im[[i]][[j]], axis = 'y', nb = -50)
    # Remove last band as it most probably will be 50 pixels high
    im[[i]][[j]] <- im[[i]][[j]][-length(im[[i]][[j]])]

# Convert each element to class 'list'
for(i in seq_along(im)) {
  class(im[[i]]) <- 'list'

# Convert the entire object to class 'list'
class(im) <- 'list'
Exercise 14.2c

Finally, save the tiles of all three prepared images as PNG files to a new folder images1 in the data/processed/ folder (thus: data/processed/images1/), using the save.image function. Do this using the following steps:

  1. First create three folders in your in your ‘data/processed/images1’ folder, and call them test, train and val.
  2. Save the tiles of the first list-element in our im-object (named IMG_4012.JPG) to the test folder; these will be the tiles you will later (Thursday) test your trained image classification model on. Save the tiles in the second list-element (IMG_4013.JPG) to the train folder; these will be used to train the classification model. Save the tiles of the last list-element (IMG_4014.JPG) to the val folder; these will be used for validation.
  3. Name the export files ‘x_y.png’, where ‘x’ should be the index-position of the tiles in the x dimension and ‘y’ the index-position of the tiles in the y dimension. Notice this will take a while to execute, but you can keep track of the progress by looking at the number of images in the folders in file explorer. In rendering this document, there were about 5047 files per folder, but this might differ a bit if you cut off more or less of the image to remove the aircraft parts.

    This is an example code that uses 3 nested for-loops to save all images in the object im automatically to some location on your computer:
# Export all 50x50 pixel images (all tiles for 1 image to test/, 1 to train/ and 1 to val/)
for(i in seq_along(im)) {
  folder <- c("test","train","val")[i]
  for(j in seq_along(im[[i]])) {
    for(k in seq_along(im[[i]][[j]])) {
                 file = paste0("data/processed/images1/", folder, "/", j, "_", k, ".png"))
Why is it good practice to assign entire images to different sets?

It is important to split your dataset into train, validation and test sets as early on in your workflow as possible. Within an image there is spatial autocorrelation between the pixels, so it is good practice to assign the entire image to different sets to avoid overfitting your model.

3 Labelling

Now we move away from R for a while. Don’t be sad: we will be back soon.

Probably the most vital aspect of supervised learning is the availability of labels. Although there are techniques available to automatically generate labels, very often it still up to us to manually label some records. “Some” might actually mean 10,000+ images, but in our case we’ll try to get away with less. However, we still have to roll up our sleeves, put on our glasses and prepare a good coffee, because we have to get to work.

Start by creating two empty folders in both the train and val folder called bush and other. Then open another Windows explorer window, go to the train/bush folder and drag this window in view next to the other window with the train root folder opened. First scroll through our train folder to get a feeling for the differences in vegetation types. Identifying which cells are trees or bush is not always straightforward and is actually subjective. Determine for yourself what you consider to be trees/bush and what you consider to be grass and other background. Remember that what you put into your model is what your model learns. GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you tell a very smart model that all dog images are cats, then that’s what that model will output to you as well.

After you’ve decided what you consider to be bush/trees, copy (do NOT move/drag, but really copy!) a selection of 50 images of trees from the train folder to the train/bush folder. Then afterwards do the same for the validation set. When you’re done with that we need to select an equal amount of non-tree images to the other folders. Take into account that your model will only learn with what you supply it. So if you don’t supply it with images of water or bare soil, it might give unexpected results for water and bare soil images if you let the model predict on these images. So try to provide the model with enough variation in images per class to be representative for the entire images.

Have fun!

Why is it good practice to assign an equal amount of images to different classes?

This makes the validation of our model much easier, because we don’t have to deal with class imbalance in the calculation and/or selection of our performance metrics. However, be aware that if you train a model to detect trees in the desert and you supply it with an equal amount of trees and non-tree images during training and validation, it will likely predict too many trees to actual desert images (that do contain much fewer trees).

Exercise 14.3a
When you’re done, load the labelled images into R with the load.dir function. Call these objects train1 (for train/bush), train0 (for train/other), val1 (for val/bush) and val0 (for val/other). Do not load all the test tiles as well, because this will mess up the order of the tiles and you already have these data loaded in (inside im[[1]]). Just convert this multi-level list im[[1]] to a single imlist and name it testgrid. You can do this quickly with the do.call function, which executes another function with a list of arguments (in this case we aim to combine all the separate list elements into one list). Afterwards make sure to also convert your testgrid list to an imlist class, so that imager also recognizes it properly. Then save this object as an RDS file called “testgrid.RDS” to your appropriate data folder, because we need it later to evaluate our model predictions.

# Load train images
train0 <- load.dir("data/processed/images1/train/other")
train1 <- load.dir("data/processed/images1/train/bush")

# Load validation images
val0 <- load.dir("data/processed/images1/val/other")
val1 <- load.dir("data/processed/images1/val/bush")

# Prepare test images
testgrid <- do.call(c, im[[1]])
testgrid <- as.imlist(testgrid)

# Save testgrid
saveRDS(testgrid, file = 'data/processed/images1/testgrid.rds')

4 Data augmentation

Maybe your mathematics teacher in high school taught you the very valuable lesson that good mathematicians are lazy mathematicians. You’ll be pleased to know that the same applies to data scientists. However, we have an extra trick up our sleeves: not only can we use mathematical principles to do the work for us, also computation power. If we combine these two it can lead to interesting combinations.

More labelled data is always better (even when it’s not, because we can then still choose to include only a fraction of it), so let’s generate some labelled data for free. Take a look at the below example, using a build-in image of the imager package.

par(mfrow = c(1,3)) # defining multiple plot facets: 1 row and 3 columns
mirror(boats,"x") %>% plot()
mirror(boats,"y") %>% plot()

What do you notice about the above plotting example?

Mirroring an image along the x-axis results in a recognizable, real-life image that could in theory have been an actual photograph itself. So we can actually generate twice as much labelled training data by mirroring all our labelled tiles along the x-axis.

Exercise 14.4a
Now use the mirror function to generate x-axis mirrored versions of our training data for both the ‘bush’ and ‘other’ labels. Store these mirrored versions in the elements 51 to 100 of our train1 and train0 lists by using a for-loop.

for(i in seq_along(train1)) {
  train1[[(i+50)]] <- mirror(train1[[i]],"x")
  train0[[(i+50)]] <- mirror(train0[[i]],"x")
Why don’t we apply data augmentation to the validation or test set?

Augmenting training data is useful, because it can likely result in a model that has learned more and performs better. For the validation and test set this doesn’t apply, because we’re only interested to see how our model performs on the actual data and not on augmented data.

5 Saving data

Exercise 14.5a
In order to easily load the data that you prepared today in memory again on Thursday when you start fit a CNN classification model to the image data, save the objects train0, train1, val0 and val1 to .rds files (see tutorial 1) in the “data/processed/images1/” folder.

# Save files to rds
saveRDS(train0, file = "data/processed/images1/train0.rds")
saveRDS(train1, file = "data/processed/images1/train1.rds")
saveRDS(val0, file = "data/processed/images1/val0.rds")
saveRDS(val1, file = "data/processed/images1/val1.rds")

6 Recap

Today, you’ve pre-processed your image data so that it can be used by a CNN. With the tiny images you’ve extracted from the main images, the augmented training data you’ve generated and the class labels you’ve given to some of these images, you now have all the ingredients to train and validate a classification model with these data. This you will do yourself on the final day of the image analysis week, so make sure to properly save your scripts and data.

An R script of today’s exercises can be downloaded here